He graduated from Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine, which he started in 1986, in 1992. He specialized in pediatric surgery as Dr. He completed his studies at Sami Ulus Children’s Health and Research Hospital. He worked as chief physician at Nazilli State Hospital between 2005-2007 and at Ulus State Hospital between 2013-2015, and as hospital manager at Etimesgut State Hospital between 2015-2016, and as Deputy General Director of Personnel at the Ministry of Health in 2007. He served as Deputy General Director of Treatment Services at the Ministry of Health between 2008 and 2011. He served as Deputy Chairman of the Turkish Public Hospitals Institution between 2011 and 2013. In 2016, he was appointed as Deputy Head of the Social Security Institution at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. While he was serving as the Vice President of the Social Security Institution, he simultaneously served as the General Manager of General Health Insurance. He was appointed as the General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety in 2018. Later, he served as General Director of Disabled and Elderly Services and General Director of Children’s Services at the Ministry of Family and Social Services. He continues his work in many non-governmental organizations such as Yavuz Selim Foundation Ankara Branch President, Health and Social Services Associations Federation Board Chairman and Turkish Home Health and Social Services Association Board Member.
Born in Trabzon in 1982. Completed primary and secondary education in Düzköy, and high school education in Akçaabat. In 2007, graduated from the Health Administration department of Hacettepe University for undergraduate studies, and in 2014, completed master’s studies in Hospital Management at Gazi University’s Institute of Social Sciences. Started professional career as a health officer at the Erzincan Provincial Health Directorate. Later served at Ankara Provincial Health Directorate, Ankara Provincial Agriculture Directorate, Ankara Health Center, General Directorate of Treatment Services, and Public Hospitals Institution. Worked as a specialist at the Ankara 1st Regional Public Hospitals Union General Secretariat. Held positions as Administrative and Financial Affairs Manager at Sincan Dr. Nafiz Körez State Hospital and Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, as well as Quality and Support Manager at Ankara City Hospital. Currently serving as the Administrative and Financial Affairs Manager at Gülhane Training and Research Hospital.
Actively involved in various non-governmental organizations, currently serving as the president of the Patient and Employee Rights and Safety Association, founding member and deputy president of the Palliative Health Services Association, board member of the Home Health and Social Services Association (EVSAD), and founding member and board member of the Health Associations Federation (SADEFE).
Prof. Dr. Emine Özmete is the Dean of Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences. She is the founding and currently responsible director of Ankara University Aging Studies Application and Research Center (YAŞAM). Ankara University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Social Work; Advisory to the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services; aspect; Advisory to the Minister of Family and Social Services; TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM TR index SBVT Commission membership; Expertise of the Turkish Grand National Assembly “Determining the Measures to be Taken by Investigating the Problems Experienced by the Elderly in Various Areas of Life” Research Commission; She carried out duties such as Ankara University Psychosocial Support Team Field Coordinator during the February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes. She is a member of the Scientific Board of the Ministry of Family and Social Services.
Quality of family life, work and family life harmony, elderly care services, long-term care, care insurance system, elderly care tourism, active and healthy aging, elderly abuse, self-neglect in the elderly, aging and migration, xenophobia, intergenerational solidarity and care economy She has many scientific studies and projects at home and abroad on subjects such as.
She graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture in 1999.
She worked as an Architect in the private sector between 1999-2004.
Between 2004-2006, Ministry of Defense Malatya Cons. She worked as an assistant tender expert/architect at the Real Estate and NATO Infrastructure Regional Presidency and as an architect at the Elazığ Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization between 2006 and 2011.
Between 2011 and 2021, he served as Planning and Environment, Final Account, Project and Construction Branch Manager in different units of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.
In this process; She served as the building inspection chief in the project and construction stages of public investments. She started working in the field of digital transformation and BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the construction industry since 2018. She received BIM Specialization training from ITU Sem in 2020. She organized meetings and awareness trainings on BIM with the participation of universities and associations in the public sector, and carried out pilot project studies.
Since 2021, She has been working as the Head of Professional Regulation Department at the General Directorate of Professional Services of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.
She takes part in the studies on the development of our national legislation on Digital Transformation of the Construction Sector and BIM-based project delivery.
Dr. Deniz Besiktepe is an assistant professor in the School of Construction Management Technology at Purdue University Polytechnic Institute. After graduating from architecture school in 2003 and thirteen years of construction and facilities management experience, she received her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, focusing on Construction Engineering and Management at Colorado State University. Dr. Besiktepe worked as an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Stout Construction Program before joining Purdue University. Dr. Besiktepe’s research interests include facilities management and built environment, building maintenance, condition assessment, decision-making models, fuzzy applications, and implementing data-driven techniques in the FM area. In addition to her FM research, she has ongoing research efforts in CM and FM education, social sustainability, and corporate social responsibility in CM and FM industries, justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion (JEDI), and operations and maintenance practices in transportation projects.
His research builds on his bioinformatics background and focuses on methods and tools development pertinent to human genomic diversity intending to uncover the role of genetics and environment in determining the risk of and disease susceptibility. He has long-standing experience in developing software packages ( and implementing workflows for Omics data analysis and FAIR principles to facilitate reproducible and impactful science. He has a record of peer- reviewed research publications, and educational pedagogy articles (ORCID:0000-0001- 8846-2047). He has recently been awarded The Academy of Medical Sciences Professorship, UK to investigate novel artificial intelligence approaches for disease risk prediction and stratification. He is the principal/co-investigator of several collaborative and consortia NIH-funded projects, particularly the Data Science for Health Discovery and Innovation in Africa Initiative, and H3ABioNet, a pan-African bioinformatics network for H3Africa consisting of 28 institutions in 16 African countries. Through these networks, He contributed to the strategy development of research protocols, translational research, and social impacts, and the development of standards for phenotype data for cohort studies.
He accumulated experience in bioscience industries and incorporated Omics Data Solution Limited in both Ireland and South Africa. He has been an expert in protocol design and strategy development in several African Bioscience projects funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. For the past 3 years, He has been a European Commission expert/Reviewer and reviewed several Horizon Europe grant applications and recently joined the Pool of Experts and Follow-up Fund Committee. He is a scientific co-chair of the State of Data Science for Health in Africa, a US-NIH initiative project, and co-leader of the Northumbria Turing Universities network. Recently nominated as Deputy of the Steering Group of Northeast Fatigue Research Network.
He graduated from Gazi University, Department of Civil Engineering in 2005. After working at different levels in private companies after graduation, he has been working as a co-founder in Efesin Construction Company since 2012. In 2016, he completed master’s degree at Ankara University, Real Estate Development and Management Department. In 2023, he completed PhD on Healthcare Facility Management in the Ankara University. In 2022, he conducted research as a visiting academician at Texas A&M University for 6 months as part of his PhD study. He is a member of various civil society organization (CSO), and he is a board member of the Healthcare Resource Management Association (SKY-Der). He has taken part in many academic events and studies on Healthcare Facility Management (HFM) and continues to work in this field.
He was born in Ankara in 1986 and completed his primary, middle, and high school education in Ankara. In 2010, he graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Gazi University.
He started his professional career as a project engineer in 2010 and continued as an MEP and BIM coordinator in Turkey’s first project with BIM design specifications until 2016. After managing large-scale design projects both nationally and internationally, he founded ARKATUN Engineering in 2020. He specializes in 3D design and energy efficiency.
She graduated from the Department of Industrial Engineering at Bilkent University’s Faculty of Engineering in 2012.
Between 2012 and 2013, she worked as an industrial engineer at Procter & Gamble.
From 2014 to 2019, she served as a health specialist at the Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Investments.
Since 2014, she has been serving at the Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Investments, and since September 2019, she has continued his duty as a Department Head.
After graduating from Hacettepe School of Health Administration in 2003, he completed his master’s degree in Hospital Management at Gazi University.
Between 2001 and 2015, he worked as a manager at Hacettepe University, Medikalpark Gaziantep, Medline Adana and Avrupa Hospital.
He has been involved in the design, installation and operation stages of healthcare facilities within Rönesans Holding since 2016, and he currently continues to work within Rönesans Holding as Deputy General Manager and Executive Board Member.
He graduated from METU Computer Engineering in 2006. In the same year, he started his entrepreneurial adventure by winning the METU New Ideas New Businesses entrepreneurship competition and took part in various initiatives as a founding partner. He held various positions such as software engineer, lead developer, architect, project manager, product manager and consultant in areas such as augmented reality, big data, web technologies and mobile technologies. With the product called Live Book, KanalD was selected as the Inventor of Turkey in our inventors competition and received the grand prize. He managed national IT projects such as e-Nabız and developed special software for various public institutions and global companies. He is also a technology writer for TUBITAK Science and Technology magazine. He currently works as the General Manager of Kodfu Bilişim. He is married and the father of four children.
Mr. KAPLAN graduated from Akdeniz University, Department of Electronics and received a master’s degree in health management. He worked as a manager in Sony, Netaş, Pimaş, Yapı Kredi Bank, Esbank, ZB and HSBC bank. He took part in many projects on restructuring, ATM and banking applications/technologies and health applications/technologies. He is the department manager of Acıbadem Technical Services. Kaplan, who restructured the Technical Services department in 2010, is responsible for the management of the technical services of 30 locations within the Holding. He also serves as the chairman of the Emergency Management Committee on behalf of Technical Services. He is the founder of the Association of Information Technologies in Life Sciences and Health. The A-Store product developed with the R&D team has received many international and national awards.
He serves as the Chief Director of Ankara University Hospitals. Mr. UÇAR, who serves as the president of the Health Resource Management Association, has carried out various studies and prepared guides on the Applicability of the Cash Pooling Method, Clinical Cost Analysis Study, and the Importance of Big Data Use for Reducing the Country’s Health Expenditures. In his professional life, he served as Unit Manager in the field of Finance, Contracts and Legislation during the Opening and Operation of City Hospitals at the General Directorate of Public Hospitals of the Ministry of Health, and as Administrative and Financial Affairs Manager of Ankara Gaziler Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center Training and Research Hospital.
He serves as NKY Architecture Engineering General Coordinator. In his 20-year architectural and management career, he has been active in the feasibility, design and inspection of qualified public buildings. He received training in Green Building design and international contract management and earned a Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate. He established the company’s offices in Asia and Europe. It has an experience of reaching 20,000 beds in the field of healthcare. He took part in the initial planning and feasibility studies of City Hospitals planned with the Public Private Partnership model and contributed to the Ministry of Health Health Buildings Minimum Design Standards Guide published in 2010. He is currently actively involved in hospital projects in Türkiye, Romania, Libya and Kazakhstan.
He works as Coordinator Chief Physician at Ankara City Hospital. He has studies in the fields of Surgery, Hospitals and Health Services Management. In his professional life, he served as General Surgery Assistant at Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital, General Secretary at Turkish Public Hospitals Institution and hospital manager at Yozgat City Hospital.
Dr. Lecturer Member Gülçin Türkmen Sarıyıldız serves as the General Manager and Chief Physician of Medicana International Ankara Hospital. She is also involved in the education sector as a lecturer at Atılım University School of Health Vocational School. She conducts studies on issues such as leadership, lean hospitalization, technological transformation and innovation in healthcare. She has scientific articles, general surgery books and meeting participations in many places. She continues his work in many associations and organizations as a Member of Ankara Surgical Association, Board Member of DETESADER, Board Member of HİS Federation, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of SGK.
She is a lecturer at Ankara University, Department of Real Estate Development and Management. She is a member of many associations and organizations. Many articles, academic studies and books have been published in the fields of real estate and real estate economics, engineering economics, land management and economics, project management and control.
He was born in Trabzon in 1978. He completed his undergraduate education at Uludağ University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences between 1997-2001. He completed his master’s degree in Public Administration at Uludağ University, Social Sciences Institute, Department of Public Administration in 2004. He completed his doctorate at Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences (A.U. Faculty of Political Sciences) Department of Public Administration and Political Science in 2017. After serving in various positions within the Ministry of Health since 2001, he has been serving as Head of Department since 2012. He has many published works on public administration, health management, health policies and economics, policy analysis and strategic management.
He is a lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at Northumbria University, United Kingdom. He has research, articles and books on artificial intelligence-supported information modeling (BIM). Mr. ARAYICI, who is a member of many associations and organizations, has worked as a manager in international and national projects on building information modeling.
He is a lecturer in the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at UWE Bristol University, United Kingdom. He has research, articles and books on the topics of information and communication technologies (ICT), building information modeling (BIM), building design and energy management in the built environment. Mr. MAHDJOUBI, who holds memberships in international research organizations and associations, has conducted research with the Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPSRC), the British Academy (BA), the European Union (EU), Qatar National Research Center (QNRF) and many local organizations.
He is a lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at Northumbria University, United Kingdom. He has research, articles and books on urban cooperation, sustainable urbanism and architectural visualization. Mr LAING, who is a member of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and the Royal Society of Licensed Valuers (RICS), is the representative of the Royal Society of Licensed Valuers (RICS) on the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP).
He is a faculty member in the Department of Building Science at Texas A&M University in the United States. There are analyses, articles and books in facility management, civil engineering, maintenance, life technology, cost techniques and facility-managed quantitative analysis in the healthcare and education sector. In many international associations and organizations such as the American Society of Civil Engineers (M.ASCE), the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA), the American Society of Sanitary Engineers (ASHE), the International Building Research and Innovation Council (CIB) and the Texas Association of Healthcare Facilities Management (TAHFM). There are rooms.