• All accepted papers will be presented ONLINE at the symposium.
  • All paper applications must be made using the Online Paper Submission System on the symposium website.
  • Symposium papers must be sent in full text format, not exceeding five pages with an abstract attached. Papers presented at the symposium will be published in the Abstract Proceedings Book with ISBN.
  • Papers must be prepared in Turkish and English in accordance with the “Abstract Paper Template” and sent together with the similarity report. Papers written in both Turkish and English must be prepared carefully in terms of grammar, clarity and spelling rules. Papers that are problematic in this regard or in which suggested corrections are not made will not be accepted.
  • A participant can participate in the symposium with a maximum of 2 papers.
  • Papers must be compatible with the “Symposium Topics” on the symposium website (main topics will be shown on the website). Papers that are not compatible with the ” Symposium Topics” will not be accepted.
  • Whether the papers will be accepted or not will be decided by the Editorial Board as a result of the referee evaluation. The corresponding author will be notified by e-mail whether the paper has been accepted or not.
  • The evaluation process of the applications can be monitored by the person registered in the system via the notification system on the symposium website. Additionally, e-mail notifications will be sent to the author when the paper is uploaded to the system, when rearrangements are requested, when the paper is accepted or rejected. It is therefore recommended to check email and spam emails from time to time.
  • When submitting abstract texts, the file name should be “namesurname-facilitymanagement2024” (Turkish: “isimsoyisim-tesisyönetimi2024”).
  • Fonts in all presentations should be Times New Roman, 12 point, single space between lines and justify on both sides. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
  • The deadline for submission of papers is 10 May 2024 at 17.00 (5 pm)


  • The poster must be prepared as a single piece with dimensions of 50 x 70 cm.
  • Posters will sent in PDF format to the Organizing Committee via e-mail.
  • The logo of the institution that prepared the poster (university, research institute, general directorate, etc.) will be in the upper left corner of the poster, and the logo of İnönü University, the organizer of the symposium, will be in the upper right corner.
  • Institution names of the authors can be given either under the names of the authors or as a footnote at the bottom of the poster.
  • Posters should be prepared in Times New Roman font; It should include Title, Abstract (Turkish and English), Introduction and Purpose, Materials and Methods, Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations, Keywords and References sections. Font size, resolution and size of photographs and graphics in this section are left to the preference of the authors.
  • Posters will be uploaded to the symposium website on the date the symposium starts.
  • The deadline for sending posters is May 10, 2024 at 17.00 (5 pm)



  • Presentation time for oral presentations is 10 minutes (8 minutes presentation, 2 minutes discussion)
  • It is recommended to prepare a maximum of 10-12 slides for the presentation, including the cover.
  • Do not forget to write the authors and the e-mail address of the responsible author under the title of the paper.

Click to Download Summary Paper Template